
Publication details [#6277]


Renewed interest in the origins and development of liberalism in Europe, one of the founding doctrines of modern politics, has sparked study of the writings of Mme de Staël, Benjamin Constant and other members of the Groupe de Coppet. Political liberalism would appear to be a cornerstone of the modern world, the basis of all of society’s grand projects. In opposition to French classicism and Napoleon Bonaparte’s nationalist and totalitarian views, Mme de Staël and her friends foresee the future of nations and modern literatures in the light of the exchange of cultural and artistic values. This is political liberalism translated to the literary and artistic world. As a means of mediation with foreign cultures, translation helps reveal a nation’s character and plays an important role in the dissemination of ideas. Translation as emulation and intellectual exchange contributes to the perfectibility of letters and of the human spirit through the wealth of other cultures, a key element of social progress.
Source : Based on abstract in journal