
Publication details [#6279]

Arrojo, Rosemary. 1994. A tradução como "problema teórico", as estratégias do logocentrismo e a mudança de paradigma [Translation as a "theoretical problem", strategies of logocentrism and the change of paradigm]. TradTerm 1 : 39–48.


The main goal of this paper is to examine the contrast between the traditional conception of translation, supported by the main disciplines dedicated to language studies from a logocentric point of view, for which the translator's task is necessarily a "problem" and, often, an impossibility or even an embarrassment, and the reflections which have begun to proliferate particularly at the end of the 1980's, under the influence of post-structuralism or post-modernism, and which have freed translation from its ancient stigma of "theoretical problem". This paradigm shift opens up reassuring perspectives for translation both as a practice and as an object of inquiry within language studies
Source : Abstract in journal