
Publication details [#6427]

Cámara Aguilera, Elvira. 2003. Traducción especializada y direccionalidad: la traducción inversa (español-inglés) como potencial mercado en los ámbitos de la ciencia y la tecnología [Specialized translation and directionality: (Spanish-English) thème translation as a potential market in the domains of science and technology]. In Kelly, Dorothy, Anne Martín, Marie-Louise Nobs Federer, Dolores Sánchez and Catherine Way, eds. La direccionalidad en traducción e interpretación: perspectivas teóricas, profesionales y didácticas [Directionality in translation and interpreting: theoretical, professional and didactical perspectives]. Granada: Atrio. pp. 207–224.


Taking advantage of the strategic position of the author’s university and the demand for translation into English, this paper describes an innovative teaching experience with the students of the fourth year of the Scientific and Technical Translation A-B (English) module. The students carry out a real translation commission into English, contacting public and private organizations and institutions as well as specialists (mainly linked to the University of Granada) making possible an experience close to a real working situation. The consideration of English as lingua franca, the use of parallel texts, consultations with specialists, revision by a native English-speaking person and, finally, students’ personal appreciations will all lead to a translation of a publishable quality level (Gouadec, 1989: 54-5).
Source : Based on bitra