
Publication details [#6674]

Morelli, Mara. 2002. Más allá de las palabras: la interpretación en las asociaciones que se ocupan de personas sin hogar [Beyond words: interpreting in the associations dealing with homeless persons]. In Valero-Garcés, Carmen and Guzmán Mancho Barés, eds. Traducción e interpretación en los servicios públicos: nuevas necesidades para nuevas realidades [Community interpreting and translating: new needs for new realities]. Alcalá de Henares: Universidad de Alcalá. pp. 203–208.


This paper focuses on some of the basic parameters used in order to evaluate the quality of an interpretation. Other aspects are also considered, such as clothing -closely related to those in attendance and to the practical development of the interpreting session- mixing "formal" and "informal" speech, and also switching back and forth between different types of interpretation (bilateral, consecutive, brief consecutive with notes) because they can form part of a typical workday. Another paragraph talks about some of the possible didactic implications stemming from this experience, implications thought of for use in a course on orientation to interpretation (a mixed group of translators and interpreters) or for training interpreters.
Source : Bitra