
Publication details [#6684]

Ortiz García, Javier. 2002. La evaluación de la calidad de las traducciones: actuaciones antes, durante y después [Assessing the quality of translations: steps to be taken before, in the meantime, and afterwards]. In Valero-Garcés, Carmen and Guzmán Mancho Barés, eds. Traducción e interpretación en los servicios públicos: nuevas necesidades para nuevas realidades [Community interpreting and translating: new needs for new realities]. Alcalá de Henares: Universidad de Alcalá. pp. 237–246.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


This study provides some steps for improving the quality of translations. It establishes seven steps and the useful tools to use at each of these stages: 1. Contact between the client and the translator is made; 2. The translator's proposal; 3. The project is begun; 4. The project is developed; 5. The project is revised; 6. Delivery of the project; 7. Evaluation. TOOLS: 1. Product analysis; 2. Presentation ; 3. Documentation; 4. Suggestion list; 5. Questionnaire; 6. Recommendations; 7. Project development report; 8. List of problems and difficulties; 9. Error recuperation; 10. Evaluation form. At each of these stages, the client's ‘manners’ are analyzed, a problem a translator could encounter is proposed, and finally, a (possible) solution to the problem is given which satisfies both the client and the translator and which uses the proposed tools.
Source : Bitra