Publication details [#6701]
Vansteelandt, Andrée. 1995. Approche terminographique du langage de la logopédie: besoins, démarches et collocations [Terminographic approach to the language of logopaedics: needs, evolutions and collocations]. In Vogeleer, Svetlana, ed. L'interprétation du texte et la traduction [Text interpretation and translation] (BCILL: Bibliothèque des Cahiers de l'Institut de Linguistique de Louvain 81). Leuven: Peeters. pp. 131–140.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
The research into terminography represents one of the most interesting action fields in the domain of translation. Belgium, with its three national languages, is particularly concerned with the making of specialized bilingual dictionaries. This article aims to provide some reflections, working hypotheses and methodological considerations that have accompanied the project of a ‘dictionary of logopaedics’.
Source : Based on publisher information