Publication details [#6811]
Calzada Pérez, María. 2000. Where are we going in translation? A pragmatic analysis of various translations of a poem by W. H. Auden. In Navarro Errasti, María Pilar, Rosa Lorés Sanz, Silvia Murillo Ornat and Carmina Buesa Gómez, eds. Transcultural communication: pragmalinguistic aspects (Textos de Filología 9). Zaragoza: Anúbar. pp. 75–84.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Person as a subject
Title as subject
This paper revolves around the relevance of pragmatics for practicing translators. It consists of two main sections. Section 2 analyses an original poem by W.H. Auden- O Where are you going?- from a pragmatic standpoint. Section 3 shows that this pragmatic perspective has repercussions upon the translation of the poem. Furthermore, it compares pragmatics-oriented and non-pragmatics-oriented translations. It also reveals that when a group of conscious readers were asked to choose from amongst a variety of target texts, they opted for the pragmatics-oriented product. This suggests that pragmatics is a useful tool to produce successful translations.
Source : Bitra