Publication details [#6906]
Bohm, Edgar. 1997. A translation memory system in the university context: practical applications and didactic implications. In Fleischmann, Eberhard, Peter A. Schmitt and Wladimir Kutz, eds. Translationsdidaktik: Grundfragen der Übersetzungswissenschaft [Translation didactics: basic issues in Translation Studies]. Tübingen: Gunter Narr. pp. 361–367.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
The author first provides some information on the modus operandi at Leipzig University when it comes to translation-relevant software. The author also states that it is necessary to think about the incorporation of an integrated translation programme such as TRADOS Translator’s Workbench. He then elaborates on the functions of this software. Further, he gives three examples to demonstrate how the programme operates. Finally, he embarks upon the didactic implications of using this translation tool. He cites advantages and drawbacks.
Source : J. Vluijmans