Publication details [#7015]
Portolés Lázaro, José and Ignacio Vázquez Orta. 2000. Mitigating or compensatory strategies in the expression of politeness in Spanish and English? Hombre / mujer as politeness discourse markers Revisited. In Navarro Errasti, María Pilar, Rosa Lorés Sanz, Silvia Murillo Ornat and Carmina Buesa Gómez, eds. Transcultural communication: pragmalinguistic aspects (Textos de Filología 9). Zaragoza: Anúbar. pp. 221–226.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
This paper takes as its starting point the existence of different strategies, in British English and Spanish, when making requests as set forth in various studies of politeness phenomena. In order to account for those differences, the authors single out one aspect: the use of bald on record strategies in Spanish, that is, direct acts that threaten the speakers' negative / positive face, which are very infrequent in English. Closely associated with this, the authors take account of the use of compensatory strategies in Spanish, some of which are conventionally fixed by means of discourse markers like hombre / mujer, whose use the authors reexamine in this article. The use of those discourse markers seems to demonstrate that there may be similar pragmatic strategies in each language. However, the precise linguistic forms that have become conventionalized differ cross-culturally.
Source : Based on bitra