
Publication details [#7031]

Roussel, Caroline. 2003. Una experiencia en la gestión de centros documentales y bibliotecas al servicio del traductor [An experience in the management of documentary centres and libraries at the translator's disposal]. In Vega Cernuda, Miguel Angel, ed. Una mirada al taller de San Jerónimo: bibliografías, técnicas y reflexiones en torno a la traducción [Taking a look at St. Jerome's workshop: bibliographies, techniques and reflections on translation]. Madrid: Complutense. pp. 197–204.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Edition info
The article is written in French, only the title is in Spanish.


The paper is a presentation of the French CITL (Collège des traducteurs d'Arles), a hall of residence with 10 bedrooms and a specialized library where translators who receive a grant can go to work in peace and surrounded by colleagues. The author goes on to explain the activities the CITL holds, including a yearly conference on literary translation (Assises de la traduction littéraire), or the meetings with authors. Finally, she describes the collection held in its library.
Source : BITRA/ J. Franco