
Publication details [#7116]

Thelen, Marcel. 2001. Present issues in teaching specialised translation: a practice-oriented MA programme. In Desblache, Lucile, ed. Aspects of specialised translation (Langues des Métiers - Métiers des Langues). Paris: Maison du Dictionnaire. pp. 15–25.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


This paper argues that a particular type of specialization and a subsequent change in the field of activity of the translator may ultimately contribute to the prestige of the profession, and translation quality in general. The type of specialisation that is meant here is specialisation in Subject-field-Specific Language and/or languages. A SSL-oriented translator combines the particular translation competence that is required of a 'traditional' translator with communication expertise and considerable knowledge of the mechanisms and structure of the subject field language of translation. In this paper, the notion of SSL-oriented translation is further elaborated upon in the context of the MA programme in Applied Translation Studies.
Source : Based on bitra