
Publication details [#7129]

Zanettin, Federico. 2000. Parallel corpora in Translation Studies: issues in corpus design and analysis. In Olahan, Maeve, ed. Intercultural faultlines: research models in Translation Studies 1. Textual and cognitive aspects. Manchester: St. Jerome. pp. 105–118.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


This chapter deals with the design and analysis of 'translation-driven' corpora, i.e. principled collections of electronic texts compiled with the aim of studying translation products and processes, with special reference to parallel corpora. The possibility of retrieving on a computer screen hundreds of similar contexts and their translations, and the ease of combining this with statistical analysis and data manipulation, allow hypotheses to be tested on a larger scale. It is suggested in this chapter that issues of corpus design (which types of texts are included, what languages are involved, which criteria are used for sampling, etc), and corpus encoding (how the 'translation' from printed texts to electronic corpus comes about) deserve careful consideration. It is also argued that, in order to enhance and maximize the advantage which can be derived from research based on electronic texts in translation studies, there is a need for greater standardization and interchange of corpus resources.
Source : Based on bitra