
Publication details [#7224]

Garcia, Maura Xavier. 2002. Prática da tradução: uma proposta didática [Translation practice: a proposal for didactics]. TradTerm 8 : 67–80.


One of the complaints in relation to diploma Translation Courses in Brasil is about the size of texts students are asked to translate, very long in their majority, from the beginning to the end of their study. Other common complaints include a feeling of "getting lost" during the process of translating a text, a feeling of frustration when facing criticism and a lack of knowledge of the source language. The current didactics doesn’t seem to alter this situation. Considering these points, which are result from previous experience in this field, this work presents the testimony of a well-succeeded experience, proposing a didactic plan which suggests some dynamics, exercises, and a program that introduces and leads the student step by step, gradually, from word to text.
Source : Abstract in journal