
Publication details [#7402]

Pélage, Jacques. 2004. Les défis de la traduction juridique [The challenges of legal translation]. Confluéncias 1. URL


Legal translation presents a number of challenges. First, the very concept of ‘legal translation’ is ill-defined. Second, the content and level of understanding required to do the job must accommodate a range of needs. And lastly, the prospects open to legal translators must be interpreted in relation to a range of situations. Legal documents are rules of law, or discourses thereon, which often cover areas other than law. The concept of the legal document is thus unavoidably relative, which, in turn, affects the content and level of understanding required of the translator. Like the specialist, sworn and occasional legal translators need to know about various legal fields if they are to understand the discourse and re-express it correctly while keeping their critical guard up when using documentary resources. And whereas certain types of work require general knowledge, others demand truly specialised knowledge. As a result, the type of work determines the technical competence required of the translator.
Source : Based on abstract in journal