
Publication details [#7777]

Gargatagli, Marietta and Nora Catelli. 1998. El tabaco que fumaba Plinio: escenas de la traducción en España y América: relatos, leyes y reflexiones sobre los otros [The tobacco that Plinius smoked: scenes of translation in Spain and America: stories, laws and reflections on the others]. Barcelona: Serbal. 448 pp.
Publication type
Publication language
Person as a subject


This book offers a vast text anthology about the history of the translation in the Castilian tradition. The book is unique not only by the extensive historical overview but also by the conception of the selection criteria: the authors don’t try to register each period in the history of translation in Spain and America, but try to select those texts that show in an obvious way the form to catch or to define to the others ‘in our culture’.
Source : K. Foelen

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