Publication details [#7950]
Gouanvic, Jean-Marc, ed. 1994. Genres littéraires et traduction [Literary genres and translation]. Special issue of Traduction Terminologie Rédaction (TTR) 7 (1) 272 pp. URL
Publication type
Special issue
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Trois-Rivières: Université du Québec
This special issue of TTR, edited by Jean-Marc Gouanvic, is about literary genres and translation. Among other items, the following themes are discussed in this volume: translating the commune: cultural politics and the historical specificity of the anarchist text, censorship, the Sociolinguistics of translating canonical religious texts, the translation of the literary essay, the translation of the English gothic novel in France, etc.
Source : K. Foelen
Articles in this volume
Prungnaud, Joëlle. La traduction du roman gothique anglais en France au tournant du XVIIIè siècle [The translation of the English gothic novel in France at the turn of the XVIIIth century]. 11–46
Bruce, Donald. Translating the Commune: cultural politics and the historical specificity of the anarchist text. 47–76
Merkle, Denise. Emile Zola devant la censure victorienne [Emile Zola and Victorian censorship]. 77–92
Everett, Jane. La traduction de l'essai littéraire: How it strikes a contemporary de Virginia Woolf en français [The translation of the literary essay: How it strikes a contemporary by Virginia Woolf in French]. 93–116
Gouanvic, Jean-Marc. La traduction et le devenir social: le cas de l'irruption de la science-fiction américaine en France après la Seconde Guerre Mondiale [Translation and the social future: the irruption of American science fiction in France after the Second World War]. 117–152
Brun, Claire Le. La littérature canadienne-anglaise pour la jeunesse en traduction québécoise: analyse discursive de la politique éditoriale et de la réception critique des Deux Solitudes/Jeunesse [English-Canadian children's literature translated in Québec: discourse analysis of the editorial policy and critical reception of the series Deux Solitudes/Jeunesse (1980-1992)]. 153–190