
Publication details [#7992]

Chico Rico, Francisco. 2001. Retórica y traducción: 'nóesis' y 'poíesis' y en la traducción del texto literario [Rhetoric and translation: 'noesis' and 'poiesis' and in the translation of literary texts]. In Raccah, Pierre-Yves and Belén Saiz Noeda, eds. Lenguas, literatura y traducción: aproximaciones teóricas [Languages, literature and translation: theoretical aspects]. Madrid: Arrecife. pp. 257–285.
Publication type
Chapter in book
Publication language


This contribution describes and explains the historical and systematic relationships between rhetoric and translation practice, incorporating the so-called ‘partes traductionis’ or ‘traductoris officia’ into the traditional rhetorical system of ‘partes artis’ or ‘oratoris officia’. This approach also enables the author to rebuild and redefine the traditional ‘partes artis’ when they are included in the theoretical framework of literary translation.
Source : BITRA/J. F. Aixelá