
Publication details [#8]

Delisle, Jean, Hannelore Lee-Jahnke and Monique C. Cormier. 1999. Terminologie de la traduction / Translation terminology / Terminología de la traducción / Terminologie der Übersetzung (FIT Monograph Series 1). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. vi + 433 pp.
Publication type
Reference work
Publication language
Source language
Target language
Edition number
Edition info
US ISBN: 1-55619-212-6 Quadrilingual reference work (French, English, Spanish, German)


This terminology collection presents approximately 200 concepts that can be considered the basic vocabulary for the practical teaching of translation. Four languages are included: French, English, Spanish and German. Nearly twenty translation teachers and terminologists from universities in eight countries (Canada, France, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States and Venezuela) defined the concepts and tried to present them in pedagogical form, with notes and examples. The terms describe specific language acts, the cognitive aspects involved in the translation process, the procedures involved in transfer from one language to another, and the results of these operations. All of the terms in each section of the book are cross-referenced. A dozen tables help the reader to understand the relationships between the concepts, and a bibliography completes each section.
Source : Based on publisher information

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