Publication details [#8000]
Conde, Juan Carlos. 2003. De nuevo sobre una traducción desconocida de Pablo de Santa María (y su parentela) [Once again on an unknown translation by Pablo de Santa María (and his tribe)]. In Cantavella, Rosanna, Marta Haro and Helena Real, eds. Traducción y práctica literaria en la edad media románica [Translation and literary practice in the roman Middle Ages] (Quaderns de filología. Estudis Literaris 8). Valencia: University of Valencia.
Publication type
Chapter in book
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Person as a subject
Title as subject
This article deals with the right identification of the Latin text translated into Castilian by Pablo de Santa María, under the title Criamiento e enseñamiento de los religiosos. In a paper published fifteen years ago by the author of the present article, it was said that the text translated was the Libellus seu Tractatus de Instructione Novitiorum written by the dominican Humbertus de Romanis or Romans (circa 1200-1277). The present article proves that this translation comes really from the De Erudtione Religiosorum Libri VI (c 1260-65) by the French dominican Guillielmus Paraldus, or Guillermo Peraldo. Besides identifying the source text, this article compares this translation with other Castillian translations of this text made at the end of the 15th century and in the mid 16th century, and suggests some future lines of research in the field of translation in the Iberian Peninsula in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
Source : BITRA/F. Yus