
Publication details [#8278]

Mata Pastor, Carmen. 2001. La palabra inencontrable: ¿por qué no encontramos lo que buscamos en el diccionario? [The unfindable word: why don't we find what we look for in the dictionary?] In Morillas García, Esther and Jesús Álvarez Polo, eds. Las herramientas del traductor [The tools of the translator]. Málaga: Ediciones del Grupo de Investigación Traductología. pp. 17–40.
Publication type
Chapter in book
Publication language


The author explores the reasons why the relationship between the translator and the dictionary is not as happy as it should be. She analyses whose fault it is, whether it can be attributed to the translator, to the problems derived from the way different languages work, to the translated text or to the dictionaries themselves.
Source : BITRA/J. Franco