
Publication details [#8427]

Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Source language
Target language
Person as a subject


Interlingual translation implies the transference of information between two different languages. In the case of literary translation, this implies both content and form. Literary translation can be approached from the perspective opened by relevance theory, which assumes an existing balance between communicative efforts and the effects to be achieved. It is clear that literary translation, and even more the translation of certain stylistic devices, such as irony, faces the translator with specific problems due to the nature of this linguistic use. In this paper, the ways in which the expression of irony is conveyed in the target text is analyzed. The literary work under study is Rojas's La Celestina, and its English version written by Rastell, A new Commodye in Englysh in Manner of an Enterlude. The main aspects of the analysis concentrates on the expression of irony and its translation in the dialogues between the two lovers, Calisto and Melebea, and those taking place between Calisto and his servants.
Source : Based on bitra