
Publication details [#8518]

Vaerenbergh, Leona Van, ed. 2000. Parallel text processing: alignment and use of translation corpora (Text, Speech and Language Technology 13). Dordrecht: Kluwer. xxiii + 402 pp.
Publication type
Edited volume
Publication language


With the rising importance of multilingualism in language industries, brought about by global markets and world-wide information exchange, parallel corpora, i.e. corpora of texts accompanied by their translation, have become key resources in the development of natural language processing tools. The applications based upon parallel corpora are numerous and growing in number: multilingual lexicography and terminology, machine and human translation, cross-language information retrieval, language learning, etc. The book's chapters have been commissioned with the aim of showing the state of the art in parallel text alignment and use ten to fifteen years after the first parallel-text alignment techniques were developed. Within the book, the following broad themes are addressed: (i) techniques for the alignment of parallel texts at various levels such as sentence, clause, and word; (ii) the use of parallel texts in fields as diverse as translation, lexicography, and information retrieval; (iii) available corpus resources and the evaluation of alignment methods.
Source : Bitra