
Publication details [#8523]

Fiorini, Monica. 2004. La coupe des mots: notes on the Italian translation of OR les femmes de mon père. In Diocaretz, Myriam and Marta Segarra, eds. Joyful Babel: translating Hélène Cixous (Approaches to Translation Studies 22). Amsterdam: Rodopi. pp. 61–74.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
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Person as a subject
Title as subject


OR Les lettres de mon père, translated by the author into Italian, is a book entirely concerned with translation: the narrator asks herself how to read or translate the father’s letters to the mother so as to ‘translate’ his being. After analyzing some cases of difficult translations, Fiorini maintains that in order to be faithful to the original, the translation should respect the ‘performativity’ of it as a unique event, and not try to give a word for word version. This leads to the ethical dimension of translating, an experience which has to do with our relation to the Other, and to difference.
Source : Based on abstract in book