Publication details [#8530]
Zarandona Fernández, Juan Miguel. 2004. Gauguin. Similarity, and translation in William Somerset Maugham's The Moon and Sixpence (1919): when life is different from romance. In Arduini, Stefano and Robert Hodgson, eds. Similarity and difference in translation. Rimini: Guaraldi. pp. 273–292.
Publication type
Chapter in book
Publication language
Person as a subject
Title as subject
In 1919, the British writer William Somerset Maugham published his famous novel, The Moon and Sixpence, based on the romantic life of the French painter Paul Gauguin. Not surprisingly, a strategy of similarity played a leading role in its making. The book can also be regarded as semi-biography, crowded with very definite contents and artistic intentions: the myth of escapism, psychoanalysis, art criticism, life manipulation, effective plot, and successful reception. All of these elements constitute the sender's intention- to use a phrase of Christiane Nord. Consequently, a good translator should, at least, be aware of these facts before starting to work and making decisions.
Source : Based on bitra