
Publication details [#8656]

Marcondes de Souza Filho, Danilo. 1992. Some implications of speech act theory for the theory of translation. In Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, Barbara and Marcel Thelen, eds. Translation and meaning 2. Maastricht: Rijkshogeschool Maastricht. pp. 105–110.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


This paper sets out to first take into consideration some aspects of the discussion on the theory of meaning which are relevant for a theory of translation, and then tries to show that a pragmatic approach to translation can in many ways overcome these difficulties pointed out by philosophers of language. This leads, to a certain extent, to a redefinition of some conceptions of the task of translating, as well as of the notion of meaning they presuppose. The author, then, defends a theory of translation which considers language as a concrete social practice, seeing meaning in a pragmatic perspective, and thus necessarily taking into account some basic features of human communication, and of the context in which it takes place. Therefore, the author intends this as a general discussion on the notions of meaning and language use presupposed in translation.
Source : Based on information from author(s)