Publication details [#8678]
Ujszászi, Zsuzanna. 1996. Investigating a translator's poetics: Amy Károlyi's translations of Emily Dickinson's poetry. In Klaudy, Kinga, José Lambert and Anikó Sohár, eds. Translation Studies in Hungary. Budapest: Scholastica. pp. 157–162.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
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Person as a subject
Roman Jakobson regards poetry as inseparable from the verbal code in which it exists. “Poetry”, says Jakobson, “by definition is untranslatable. Only creative transposition is possible.” A solution to the controversy surrounding formal versus pragmatic approaches to poetic translation seems to be “a consistent provision for a correlation of the two types of form-based and content-based equivalence.” That is what this paper sets out to trace in Amy Károlyi's Dickinson translations.
Source : Based on information from author(s)