
Publication details [#8844]

Mauranen, Anna. 2002. Where's cultural adaptation: a corpus-based study on translation strategies. In Bernardini, Silvia and Federico Zanettin, eds. CULT2K (2002). Special issue of Intralinea. Rivista di Traduttologia URL
Publication type
Article in Special issue
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Although there is a general tendency in translation studies and translator education to accept target-language naturalness as a dominant norm, not much large-scale evidence has been available to show whether adaptive translation strategies are more common than those transferring source text properties into the target text. Comparable corpora of translated and untranslated texts provide a method of coming to grips with the reality of translation in this respect. This paper investigates popular non-fiction texts of translated and original Finnish, arguing that translators do not use “domesticating” translation strategies as much as might be expected. The main deviations from target-like usage appear as untypical frequencies in culture-specific pragmatics.
Source : Abstract in journal