
Publication details [#8909]

Sévry, Jean. 1996. Registres, niveaux de langue et manipulations idéologiques à propos de traductions de Chaka, une épopée bantoue de Thomas Mofolo [Register, language level and ideological manipulations in the translation of Chaka, a bantu epic, by Thomas Mofolo]. In Gadet, Françoise. Niveaux de langue et variation intrinsèque [Register and intrinsic variation]. In : 17–35. : 149–155.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Source language
Person as a subject


Through a confrontation of three translations of the same novel, Chaka, by Thomas Mofolo, two by missionaries (1931, 1940) and the last by an African critic (1981), the author tries to show how they all amount to a series of ideological manipulations or counter manipulations, in terms of register or level. But he also notes how the choice of a literary genre could explain some of these differences.
Source : Abstract in journal