
Publication details [#8912]

Higgins, Ian. 1996. Traduction et musique : réflexions sur quelques facteurs prosodiques [Translation and music: reflections on some prosodic factors]. In Gadet, Françoise. Niveaux de langue et variation intrinsèque [Register and intrinsic variation]. In : 17–35.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


Prosodic features are often determining factors in tonal and social register. Failure to heed this is a common cause of inconsistencies in tone, and even of thematic obscurities, in prose narrative target texts. The same is true of texts where versification makes a specific contribution to prosodic register-effects. In songs, melody, rhythm and dynamics similarly entail register-effects, so that, even leaving aside considerations of performance, no one translation could be adequate for two different musical settings of a given text.
Source : Abstract in journal