Publication details [#8915]
Pagnoulle, Christine. 2000. Profil et épaisseur des mots: Kamau Brathwaite, RêvHaïti [Profile and thickness of the words: Kamau Brathwaite, RêvHaïti]. In Raguet-Bouvart, Christine and Paul Bensimon, eds. Traduire la littérature des Caraïbes / La plausibilité d'une traduction : le cas de La Disparition de Perec [Translating the literature of teh Carribean/The plausibility of translation: the case of La Disparition by Perec]. Special issue of Palimpsestes 12: 31–38.
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language
Person as a subject
Title as subject
The present paper substantiates the context in which Brathwaite wrote his text (or dream or poem) Dream Haiti. It considers the function of typography and layout as well as the implications in some translation problems.
Source : Abstract in journal