
Publication details [#9045]

Wiesmann, Eva. 2004. Neue Wege der Beschreibung van Rechtstermini: der semasiologisch-onomasiologische Ansatz der Begriffsbestimmung und seine Bedeutung für den Rechtsübersetzer [New ways to describe legal terms: the semasiological-onomasiological beginning of the definition and its meaning for the legal translator]. In Temmerman, Rita and Uus Knops, eds. The translation of domain specific languages and multilingual terminology management. Special issue of Linguistica Antverpiensia: New Series 3: 37–51.
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language


Within the framework of modern terminological findings, a new approach for the description of terms is presented which attempts to overcome the limitations posed by the traditional conceptual understanding of Wüster’s theory of terminology. The central question deals with the role of definition, which is of importance in the delimitation of legal terms, but more so and particularly in the formation of legal concepts. Viewed from the perspective of a modern conceptual understanding, legal concepts are the result, not the object of definition. Often, however, they may be formed through definitions only in the core area, but nor in the marginal area important for the differentiation of legal concepts, and this means that further debate on the objects of law is required. By defining legal terms, and not legal concepts, a basic precondition is created for taking into consideration not only the subject specialist but also the linguistic context, and thus for fully taking into account the needs of the legal translator.
Source : Abstract in journal