Publication details [#9048]
Lavoie, Judith. 2004. L'élaboration d'un dictionnaire bilingue des valeurs mobilières [The elaboration of a bilingual dictionary on securities]. In Temmerman, Rita and Uus Knops, eds. The translation of domain specific languages and multilingual terminology management. Special issue of Linguistica Antverpiensia: New Series 3: 83–95.
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language
As of today, one cannot find, in Canada, a dictionary totally dedicated to securities. The concept of securities refers to a large sphere that includes shares and partnerships, as well as fraud and broker dealers. This paper analyzes the making of a bilingual dictionary of securities through four different steps: the literature on the subject, the nomenclature, the microstructure, the bilingual lexicon and the medium. At each of these steps, the following objectives will be followed: first, to comply the Canadian terminology which applies to securities, second, to offer to researchers, translators and professionals a lexicographical tool that is complete and useful; and third, to take into account, if need be, the legal aspects of the terms defined.
Source : Based on abstract in journal