
Publication details [#9056]

Tebé, Carles and María Teresa Cabré Castellví. 2004. La constitución de una memoria terminológica: elaboración de terminologías bilinguës en programas de memoria de traducción [The constitution of a terminological memory: the elaboration of bilingual terminologies and translation memories]. In Temmerman, Rita and Uus Knops, eds. The translation of domain specific languages and multilingual terminology management. Special issue of Linguistica Antverpiensia: New Series 3: 217–227.


Computer-aided translation systems (CAT) based on translation memories (TM) are a widely diffused technology that uses database and code-protection features to improve the quality, efficiency and consistency of the human translation process. These systems basically consist of a textual database in which each source sentence of a translation is stored together with the target sentence. New and changed translation proposals will then be stored in the database for future use. This textual database –the kernel of the system – which is used by translators to store independently, terminological equivalences or translations units of particular value. In this paper the authors outline a first draft of a methodology that describes the preparation of a bilingual terminology from – and within – TM applications. The bilingual corpus produced is called the ‘terminological memory’ of the translator.
Source : Abstract in journal