Publication details [#9109]
Roos, Jeanette C. 1976. De vertaaldiensten van de instellingen der Europese Gemeenschappen [The translation services of the institutions of the Euopean Communities]. In Fritschy, Gerard, Christine Oberman and Hans Warendorf, eds. Vertalen vertolkt: verhalen over vertalen [Translating interpreted: stories about translating]. Leiden: Nederlands Genootschap van Tolken en Vertalers. pp. 223–229.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
In this article, the author describes the translation services of the so-called European Communities (the article was written in 1976 and at that time there were three European Communities: EGKS, EEG and Euratom). After a description of the way these communities deal with the official languages of the partners (at that time there were only 9 member states), the author describes the different institutions of the European Communities and their translation services: The European Parliament in Luxembourg, the Court of Justice in Luxembourg, the Council of the European Communities in Brussels, The Commission of the European Communities in Brussels and Luxembourg, and the European Investment Bank in Luxembourg.
Source : F. Note