
Publication details [#9146]

Bausch, K. - Richard, Josef Klegraf and Wolfram Wilss. 1970. The science of translation: an analytical bibliography (1962-1969) (Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik 21). Tübingen: Gunter Narr. 181 pp.


This bibliography has been compiled in recognition of the fact that since Eugene A. Nida's Toward a science of translating no up-to-date comprehensive bibliography on translation had been published. The aim of the editors is to fill the gap from 1962 to the end of 1969. Analytical categories that are dealt with in this bibliography are theoretical problems of translation, language-pair related problems of translation, theoretical translation criticism, text-based translation criticism, methods and techniques of translation, textbooks for translating, interpreting, comparative descriptive linguistics, histrory of translation. The bibliography also includes a list of authors, a list of languages discussed and a list of reviewers.
Source : F. Note