
Publication details [#9172]


Though one of the most important media for the dissemination of literature and, at the same time, an important factor in the dynamics and statics of literary life, anthologies have long been neglected by literary historians. The present paper joins the few recent efforts at revaluation by offering a publication-oriented model for the study of untranslated literature, based on a corpus of 20th-centuryAmerican and British collections of poetry. While this model cannot directly be applied to translation anthologies, it can be adapted by taking the essential "duplexities" of literary translation into account, the most important one being that translations, in comparison to "original compositions", are not "inner-directed", they are, rather, "derived" re-compositions that necessarily deviate from the respective source texts. If this distinction and the others delineated in this paper are taken into account, translation anthologies can be studied as a paradigmatic medium of international transfer in most countries.
Source : Based on abstract in journal