
Publication details [#9234]

Soenen, Johan. 1995. Literarische Übersetzungen ins Deutsche: ein Sprungbrett für (gewisse) flämische Autoren nach Mittel- und Osteuropa [Literary translations into German: a stepping stone to Middle and Eastern Europe for (certain) Flemish authors]. In Soenen, Johan. Bella: bijdragen over vertalen, imagologie en literatuur [Bella: essays on translation, imagology and literature]. Antwerp: Linguistica Antverpiensa. pp. 23–31.


When translating titles of literary works, very often publishers, or even translators, change the translation slightly, they do not follow the translation very strictly from a commercial point of view: sometimes when the titles are changed slightly the work might sell better in the target language. An example of this is to be found in the treatment of the word "Flanders" ("Vlaanderen") in German translations of Flemish works. German translators of Flemish authors often add the word "Flanders" to the title. The author examines examples of the practice and tries to find out what causes this positive connotation of. Finally, the author examines how this has helped to sell Flemish translations in Middle- and Eastern Europe.
Source : F. Note