
Publication details [#93]

Karamitroglou, Fotios. 2000. Towards a methodology for the investigation of norms in audiovisual translation: the choice between subtitling and revoicing in Greece (Approaches to Translation Studies 15). Amsterdam: Rodopi. 300 pp.
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The authpr presents a methodology for the investigation of norms which operate in the field of audiovisual translation. Based on the findings of the polysystem approach to translation, his study focuses on human agents, (audiovisual) products, recipients, and the translation mode itself. The model is tentatively applied to the investigation of norms which seem to determine the choice between subtitling and revoicing children's TV programmes in Greece. The author also suggests specific techniques for collecting and analysing data and insists that his model can prove effective for the study of norms in other modes of written translation too.
Source : Based on publisher information

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