
Publication details [#934]

Alves, Fabio. 1996. Veio-me um 'click' na cabeça: the theoretical foundations and the design of a psycholinguistically oriented, empirical investigation on German-Portuguese translation process. In Königs, Frank G., ed. Le(s) processus de la traduction [Translation process(es)]. Special issue of Meta. Journal des Traducteurs, Translators' Journal 41 (1): 33–44.
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language
Source language
Target language


This article outlines the theoretical foundations and the design of a research project concerning a psycholinguistically oriented investigation of translations from German into Portuguese. Within an empirical framework it aims to anlyze data collected among Portuguese and Brazilian translators using the thinking-aloud technique. Building on it, it cross-examines the issue in its linguistic and cultural aspects, throwing light on and contributing to the development of the methodology of translation teaching as a whole and, more specifically, in relation to the linguistic pair German/Portuguese.
Source : Abstract in journal