
Publication details [#9400]

Heid, Ulrich and Gerhard Freibott. 1991. Collocations dans une base de données terminologique et lexicale [Collocations in a terminological and lexical database]. In Cormier, Monique C. and Jacques Lethuillier, eds. La terminologie dans le monde: orientations et recherches [Terminology in the world: trends and research]. Special issue of Meta. Journal des Traducteurs, Translators' Journal 36 (1): 77–91.
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language


In the present article, the authors concentrate on the treatment of collocations in databases. The authors first expose the problems of collocations for translators and authors of technical texts. In the following section, they give an overview of descriptive approaches proposed by lexicography and terminography. On the basis of those descriptive elements, the authors expose the method they followed in the description and the presentation of the phenomenon in their database.
Source : K. Foelen