Publication details [#949]
Faulstich, Enilde. 1996. Spécificités linguistiques de la lexicologie et de la terminologie: nature épistémologique [Linguistic aspects of lexicology and terminology: episthemological nature]. In Graça Krieger, Maria da, ed. Traduction et terminologie au Brésil [Translation and terminology in Brasil]. Special issue of Meta. Journal des Traducteurs, Translators' Journal 41 (2): 237–246.
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language
This article deals with the specific nature of lexicology and terminology and certain principles defining the epistemological nature of lexemes and terms. It then turns to practical concerns with a discussion of certain methodological approaches used in lexicological and terminological research, and a demonstration of practical applications. The article is structured as follows: 1. study of the principles underlying the dual reality of lexical units; 2. analysis of the linguistic origin of lexemes and terms; 3. considerations on the epistemological nature of lexemes and terms; 4. general discussion of methodological approaches in lexicology and terminology; 5. practical application.
Source : Abstract in journal