
Publication details [#953]

Barbosa, María Aparecida. 1996. Réflexions sémantiques sur l'article dans l'oeuvre lexicographique [Semantic reflections on the article in lexicographical works]. In Graça Krieger, Maria da, ed. Traduction et terminologie au Brésil [Translation and terminology in Brasil]. Special issue of Meta. Journal des Traducteurs, Translators' Journal 41 (2): 265–274.
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language


This paper examines certain fundamental issues dealing with lexicographical definitions. It first focuses on the importance of sense relations in describing lexical units in the macrostructure and microstructure of lexicographical works. Then, it discusses the need for a rigorous description of co-hyponymic and parasynonymic relations, the basic components of the cross-reference system of dictionaries and vocabularies.
Source : Abstract in journal