
Publication details [#9553]

Zabalbeascoa Terran, Patrick. 2001. La traducción de textos audiovisuales y la investigación traductológica [The translation of audiovisual texts and research in the field of translatology]. In Chaume Varela, Frederic and Rosa Agost Canós, eds. La traducción en los medios audiovisuales [Translation in the audio-visual media] (Estudis sobre la Traducció 7). Castelló de la Plana: Universitat Jaume I. pp. 49–64.


In the field of audiovisual translation research the initial focus was to examine the specific characteristics of its main types (subtitling, dubbing, etc.) The aim of this study is to go beyond this field by comparing the key attributes of audivisual translation to other types of translation and in a next phase to universal translation standards. The author discusses the types and classifications of texts, translation methods and techniques, the non-verbal component of texts, translation issues, the social impact of audiovisual products, the impact of technological advancement and shared responsability in audivisual translation.
Source : P. Van Mulken