Publication details [#9613]
Markstein, Elisabeth. 1992. Die kulturelle Kompetenz des Übersetzers un Dolmetschers [The cultural competence of translators and interpreters]. In Králová, Jana and Ivana Čeňková, eds. Translation in Mitteleuropa: Beiträge aus dem Mitteleuropäischen Symposium [Translation in Central Europe: contribution from the Central European Symposium]. Special issue of Folia Translatologica. International Series of Translation Studies 1: 30–36.
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language
Edition info
Special Issue.
This article is devoted to the role of cultural knowledge in translation and interpreting. First the author discusses the main levels of culture: 1. everyday culture, absorbed by every human being and related to the place and culture in which he is born; 2. culture through reading and studying; 3. realia. Secondly the author stresses the importance of cultural studies in the curriculum of translators and interpreters.
Source : P. Van Mulken