
Publication details [#9621]

Zurbach, Christine. 2002. Tradução e prática do teatro em Portugal de 1975 a 1988 [Translation in practice: Portuguese theatre from 1975 until 1988]. Lisbon: Colibri. 434 pp.


Situated in the framework of comparative literature/translation studies, this book examines teatric translation and the intercultural relations in the translation process by looking at the drama repertoire of a professional stage company from Évora, Portugal between 1975 and 1988. Drawing from the polisystemic theory (Gideon Toury; Even-Zohar) and from a functionalist perspective on translation studies, this study reveals the quantitative importance of translation in this repertoire as well as the permanent influence of French culture. A description of the dominant standards in the translation process also indicates the presence of the Portuguese theatric tradition in concurrence with the imported dramaturgic model. This puts the translation into an intermediary position, assigning an innovative role in the field of selection and dramaturgy but in the meantime keeping traditional elements in the production of the theatric object.
Source : P. Van Mulken