Publication details [#9629]
Lorenzo, Lourdes. 2005. Funcións básicas das referencias intertextuais e o seu tratamento na tradución audiovisual [Basic fuctions of the intertextual references and its treatment in audio-visual translation]. Quaderns 12 : 133–150. URL
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
This article focuses on intertextual references in audio-visual translation (dubbing, specifically); first of all, the author describes their main functions; then a list of translation strategies is established and avaluated in a corpus of dubbed translations and their respective source texts. This study allows to conclude: (1) intertextual references or allusions seem to be a universal of translation, since they may appear in texts of a very different nature (advertising, essays, literature, films…); (2) intertextuality does not claim for specific mediation techniques in the field of audio-visual translation, in the sense of different from those needed in other modalities which combine language and images (advertisements, comics…); (3) their spotting, the establishment of functions and avaluation of their knowledge on the part of the potential audience are necessary steps in order to carry out a proper translation, which will be ultimately constrained by the visual dimension.
Source : Based on abstract in journal