Publication details [#964]
Parra, Joan. 1999. Perspectivas de la investigación en localización de software [Perspectives on research in software localization]. In Dollerup, Cay, ed. Hispanic Translation Studies. Special issue of Perspectives. Studies in Translation Theory and Practice 7 (2): 231–240.
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language
This article is about software localization. Software localization has become an important and innovative component of the language related industries and has led to a redefinition of the translator's job. Nonetheless, academic institutions and the field of Translation Studies have paid little attention to this phenomenon. This paper examines the current situation in universities with respect to these new trends and suggests some possible lines of research on various aspects of software localization which could prove to be fruitful and productive to further the development of Translation Studies.
Source : Based on abstract in journal