
Publication details [#966]

Bacigalupe, Luis Alonso. 1999. Metodología de iniciación a la interpretación simultanea [Methodology for the introduction to simultaneous interpretation]. In Dollerup, Cay, ed. Hispanic Translation Studies. Special issue of Perspectives. Studies in Translation Theory and Practice 7 (2): 253–264.
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language


This article drafts a basic methodology for the initial stages of simultaneous interpreter training. The underlying idea is that simultaneous interpreting is a complex activity composed of three subskills (simultaneous listening and speaking, oral translation, and anticipation of information). Interpreter training should, therefore, rest on the development of each of these subskills individually. Although an experimental basis would be desirable, the lack of solid empirical evidence leads the author to propose a number of specific exercises, favoured by some authors and opposed by others, to attain this goal. A combination of research and reasonable intuition may produce positive results in the training of future interpreters and may also help to fill some of the gaps that still exist as regards interpretation theory and practice.
Source : Abstract in journal