Publication details [#9680]
Chesterman, Andrew. 1999. Translation typology. In Veisbergs, Andrejs and Ieva Zauberga, eds. The second Riga symposium on pragmatic aspects of translation. Riga: University of Latvia. pp. 49–62.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
As a plenary lecture, this article provides a system of classification of translations for theoretical and practical purposes. The article emphasizes the need for translation typology to enable translators to define the purpose of translation and choose translation strategy. The earlier translation classifications are almost exclusively based upon the binary opposition of free vs literal translation. Semantic vs communicative, covert vs overt, documentary vs instrumental are the best known types of translation. The typological problem becomes more complex when text types are introduced leading to terminological overlap. To make translation typology more practical the author proposed a set of criteria to be used in order to establish what type of translation would best suit the given situation. There are four sets of variables: A - equivalence variables, B - target language variables, C - translator variables, D - special situational variables. The discussion of these variables could increase the client's awareness of the complexity of the translation process making them realize that not all translations are the same and therefore the amount of time and expertise invested in their creation may differ and should be dully evaluated.
Source : Abstract in book