
Publication details [#9685]

Kiraly, Donald Charles. 1999. Toward authentic assessment of learning in translator education: a constructivist approach. In Veisbergs, Andrejs and Ieva Zauberga, eds. The second Riga symposium on pragmatic aspects of translation. Riga: University of Latvia. pp. 121–143.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


The author juxtaposes two different approaches to assessment of learning in translator education - the conventional testing system and constructivist assessment. The traditional grading system is based on opaque criteria and fails to provide essential information as to the testee's ability to perform in a real market situation. This sort of assessment system is closely linked with the training institution's overall educational approach which is based on predominantly teacher-centered translation classroom. The author promotes a new teaching model which is base on collaboration, i.e. on interactive classroom based on sharing viewpoints. Such approach to teaching could lead to a new assessment system which would not apply the traditional grades but rather reflect the relationship between the evaluator and trainee within a specific situation. Constructivist assessment is a cooperative process between the assessor and the learner providing feedback in the sense of constructive criticism. This way the assessment gains in authenticity and credibility.
Source : Abstract in book